Wednesday, 6 February 2013

What's this blog about anyway?

 You may be thinking that my blog posts are pretty erratic. One minute i'm talking about different apps and software technologies I use, the next minute i'm talking about my first interview of the year and my months abroad in Barbados.  Well in essence, I'm trying to do exactly what the title of this blog is called. I'm showcasing to you the public what i'm all about and the steps i'm taking to succeed, my interests and how they could benefit me in the long run. Researching and finding out about new technologies helps me keep in the loop and on top of trends. I have an entrepreneurial spirit so I can use these techniques I've learnt in my self- directed projects.

We envole as individuals everyday, which could lead to different career paths, life paths, love interests. Our wants and needs change constantly, we may have some type of plan in our heads but it doesn't mean it will turn out that way. So it's best to keep your options and mind open to change. People study science at university and end up in business. You just never. Some think they will stay in their hometown for lifetime but end happier on the  other side of the world. There's so many opportunities nowadays, the possibilities are be endless.

I hope this blog interests you in some way, whether that's opening your eyes to a piece of technology you never heard of before, making you think about your career choices or relating to someone in the exact same boat as you.

So i want to open you a dialogue with you guys! Either comment on a post or get in touch

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