Well from my previous post you all know that I want to set up a small business. I am still in the research parts. One of the questions were how am i going to be selling the products? Online of course is the best option. But what platform. The obvious choices that are well known are websites like Esty and Ebay. I wanted something smaller, more intimate and having a feeling of creativity. Plus commission charges and costings of uploading where a big turn off from the websites i've mentioned.
Then i came across Bigcartel, as soon as I seen the homepage i knew this was a real contender. Flicking through all the different categories i got the impression that these the sellers were mainly self employed creatives' that were selling their passion.
They're sellers from all around the world and every store has their own personality. Don't get me wrong Bigcartel isn't like Esty where the possibilities are endless in terms of plugins, translating languages, converting currencies. However I like it. It;s a work in progress, just like the majority of small businesses that use this platform. It has everything you need to set up a very nice online store and sell your trinkets!

What also appealed to me was the pricing structure. These are very very reasonable the best i've seen so far. If you were doing a soft launch for example you could sign up for a free account add a maximum of 5 products, use their theme (look of the website) as they're is only basic customisation, your url would have '.bigcartel.com' at the end. You could test the waters and get selling just like that.

All the stores are very unique, even the ones that use bigcatels' themes and just change font,colour back ground.
The photography, is almost a part of the product very creative, professional and gives the sense of credibility to the store.
Everours.co.uk is the first online store that i purchased products from and now i'm hooked. I've lost a friend because of this, my bank balance. Although i think my bank balance should be grateful as the accessories i buy jazzes up an old shirt making it look ive bought a new top.

All in all i love bigcartel I love the individuality of each store. I love to see so many passionate entrepreneurs becoming business owners and selling their craft.
I can't wait to upload and become live!